Upgraders & Refinancing
Direct Mortgage Concepts
The Key to Your Next Move
If you're looking to sell and buy another property, commonly, borrowers struggle to manage the transition. If you need the proceeds from the sale, how can you manage the process of successfully committing to a new purchase before your funds from the sale are available? WE CAN ASSIST WITH THIS
If you're not buying, is your current lender doing all they can to keep you happy? Traditionally, lenders don't go out of their way to offer you something better than you already have. WE CAN ASSIST WITH THIS TOO
It's not all about taking you away from your current lender; we allow them to do the right thing by you and then show you some options.
It's your decision; we simply help you to make it.

8 Easy Steps to Your Next Home or Mortgage
The DMC Difference
Why Choose DMC?
The Right Tools to Complete the Task
We've got the experience to find you the right loan and the knowhow to explain why it's the right loan for you.
Your Convenience
We are available when you are.
There's no such thing as a 9 to 5 day for us.
We offer after-hours appointments to work with your needs.
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